Original Salvador Dali Drawing from Klein Collection

Formerly of the Klein Collection

Drawing in Dali by Dali

Black crayon in book “Dali by Dali”, 10.5” x 7.5” (26.7cm x 19cm)


How fitting that Dali would choose his own book- that is, a book he conceived and authored- to create one of his finest original drawings, this one in black crayon. It is dedicated not only to his friend, but to his “great friend, Dr. Edmund Klein.”


This is truly one of the more gallant and muscular portrayals of a horse, whose Don Quixote-like rider is tall and proud in the saddle, against a backdrop of a glimpse of mountainous terrain and birds streaking across the sky. The Daliesque perspective lines are seen on the ground below.


Provenance: Salvador Dali to Dr. Edmund Klein as gift

Descent to present owner

