“L’Œil Fleuri” (The Flowering Eye, No. 10) (1944)

Salvador Dali (Spanish, 1904-1989)
Oeil Fleuri (nr.10) “The Flowering Eye”

Upper part of the outer right side of the set for Salvador Dali’s
ballet “Tristan Fou” (1944) unsigned, tempera and oil (?) on

canvas, retouched by artist,
SIZE: 213cm x 199cm) (irregular)

This work is certified by Nicolas Descharnes, the gold-standard for certification of works from this artist.

PRICE: on request

Salvador Dali's "Flowering Eye" (L'oieil fleuri) original painting from 1944 available from RRFA.

The oil-on-canvas L’Œil Fleuri was part of the extravagant décor for the 1944 ballet production Tristan Fou (Mad Tristan). It was described by Dalí as “The First Paranoiac Ballet based on the Eternal Myth of Love in Death”. Tristan has been driven insane with love, and in this state he sees himself slowly devoured by Isolde’s Chimera, a horrible and awesome transformation of his beloved. Haunting and intense, the eyes of L’Œil Fleuri draw attention to Dalí’s obsession with perception, and his attempts to produce a symbolic language capable of communicating his inner thoughts.

Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali painting of Hamlet contemplating the Skull of Yorick (1967)

SALVADOR DALÍ (Spanish, 1904-1989) Les deux paysans dans la fosse (Acte V, scène 1)

Salvador DALI's collector scale bronze Surrealist Piano

Surrealist Piano

Salvador DALI- Homage-to-Terpsichore bronze sculpture

Homage to Terpsichore

Salvador Dali's collector-scale bronze "The Unicorn" is available from RRFA

The Unicorn

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