#SOLD Pandemic Success Is Not the Easy Road

Wifredo Lam Sans Titre 1950 oil on canvas painting

The photo below encapsulates several things for me. First, the painting is a museum-worthy 1950 oil on canvas from Cuban master Wifredo Lam (1902-1982). It is a sublime hybridization of surrealist visions, taught to him in Paris by Pablo Picasso and Andre Breton, with traditional Caribbean religious iconography from his youth. It evokes power, but also stunningly subtle detail and deliberation. We are extremely proud to be able to place this work with one of our longtime remote clients, particularly at this period in global history.

 Reed Horth with 1950 Wifredo Lam oil on canvas painting Sans Titre

Second, I am obviously wearing a mask. This photo serves as a talisman for this period of time which I will never forget. During this global crisis, I have been accused of “brainwashing myself with success”, because I watch motivation videos daily to keep me focused. Perhaps. But, this focus combined with my unique position in having conducted multi-million dollar remote sales for more than 17 years allowed me to cultivate success in these strange times. My clients are often a world away and we never meet in person. I have conducted entire transactions in French, Italian and Spanish (none of which I speak) using only writing skills and Google Translate. Is this perfect? No. But, it works. There are unique challenges, but clearly not insurmountable ones. Despite everything going on in the outside world, success is possible if we keep pushing ourselves and reinventing how the game is played.

How can YOU reinvent your success while wading these strange waters we find ourselves in?

To discuss available paintings from Wifredo Lam, as well as other Latin American masters such as Roberto Matta, Fernando Botero, Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, Rufino Tamayo, and others, please contact reed@robinrile.com